Tag Archives: world

Weird World Records!

Photo Via Telegraph

A Pekingese dog called Puggy has the longest tongue in the world, measured at 11.43 cm (4.5 inches).

Photo Via Telegraph

Victor “Larry” Gomez has the most facial hair in the world, due to a rare congenital genetic disease called Congenital Generalized Hypertrichosis.

Photo Via Telegraph

An 11 year old cow, Swallow, from Yorkshire measuring just 33 inches.

Photo Via Telegraph

Xie Qiuping (China) has broken a new world record for having the longest hair, measuring at 5.627 m (18 ft 5.54 in).

Photo Via Telegraph

Iona Oyungerel Luvsandorj (Mongolia) achieved the longest Marinelli bend, which was 50 seconds long.

Photo Via Telegraph

The record breaking for the most balloons inflated  by the nose in 3 minuted is 23 balloons!

Photo Via Telegraph

Sultan Kösen of Turkey is the tallest man alive, measuring at 246.5 cm (8 ft 1 in).

Shakira’s Waka Waka Breaks Record!

Shakira’s Waka Waka, This Time For Africa, has become the number one selling World Cup song in history! Her video on You Tube has become the number 4 most watched video on their site! Her music video is the number 3 most watched video! Thumbs up to Shaki!

Not that I can remember any World Cup songs prior to this one .. can anyone recall any?

Start Your Car From Anywhere In The World!

I have always imagined getting in my car in Kuwait during the heat in the summer and not having the car be too suffocating and hot! Well, now it seems like technology figured a solution for this!

Check out the Video:

So a bunch of you have seen Knight and Day, the movie with Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz, and some might even have wondered (just like I did) how the hell did Tom Cruise start his car with his Iphone! After watching the movie, I came back home and researched it only to find out that it is a simple app you install on you Iphone or Blackberry! How cool is that?

Word Drug Report Suggesting That Arabs Are Drug Junkies

According to CNN, the World Drug Report 2010 that is published by the United Nations Office on Drug and Crime (UNODC) shows that the Saudi Arabian authorities confiscated 12.8 metric tons of Amphetamine in 2008. In the same year, the total of Amhetamine confiscated world wide was 24.3 metric tons, 15.3 metric tons in total were sized in the wider Middle East area.

Due to the fact that drugs and alcohol are forbidden in Islam, the fact that there is a problem in the Middle East with narcotic consumption is being shushed by the general public and governments. Keeping this issue under the table will only worsen the situation. This is a serious issue and by all means should be addressed in order to avoid this problem from being spread amongst the future generations.

People should read local newspapers, for instance the Arab Times, every few days there is a report on some drug dealer that was captured with a certain number of kilograms of some sort of drug.

For the CNN report on this issue click on this LINK.